Friday, October 17, 2008

The weekend is here!

We've done Lagoon 2 days in a row! Glad we're wrapping up fall break. Two long days at Lagoon is enough. My body is so sore from the crazy workouts I did this week and it was not in the mood to do another day at the theme park but since I am such a great mother I did it anyway. I can't seem to do enough for my kids. Does anyone else ever feel this way? The never enough syndrome. My kids get a case of it from time to time. I sure do love them though!

Good news though...I got my airline tickets today to go get Charles!! He gave me his dates today and he will be leaving Iraq in November. Once I purchased the tickets it made it feel more real that he's finally coming home. It seems strange that this long year is coming to an end. It seems even more strange that we will be a real family again and not a pretend one!! Just kidding, it's just that we have been a married couple over the computer for the last year and to be able to have a conversation face to face seems crazy. Can't wait to see him in person. I also can't wait to have a week without kids, alone with my husband in a hotel!! What will we do? I guess we'll think of something!! :) Hmmm! mother is flying in this weekend. She'll spend 8 days here with us. She is coming to help me out since I have to go to Montana for my certification test in foot zonology. My mother isn't the easiest person to get along with so sometimes her visits are dreadful. I have to say though, her last one was quite pleasant. She spent lots of time with the kids and I am hoping this time will go well too. It should since she will get a daily break from the kids while they are in school.

Man it seems weird this year is almost over. I think back to all the things we have done and figured out and it is just so crazy. I remember when I first started my zoning courses and October seemed so far away and now here we are half way through it. Charles comes home in several weeks and we will be moving in the spring. My youngest child is in kindergarten and life just seems to be cruising by. Is it me or does anyone else get a smile on their face when they think of their kids being all grown up? Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE being a mom, but I am exhausted. I'm sure I will miss them when they get big and don't want to hang around me anymore. Charlie is already there and Ryan is coming close to getting there. But I do think about the days when I can have fun with grand kids and hand them back over the their parents. I really do hope that all of my boys each have a child exactly like themselves! ;)

Well I need to end this post before I pass out. Lagoon has done me in! G'night folks!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

No wonder you were tired. We didn't get our nightly exercise and you posted the blasted thing at 11:40 p.m. It was time to be passed out, but glad you did it anyway because we love reading them.