Well today was one of those days to check a lot of the crap off of that mental list I mentioned a few days ago. I went to register to vote and various other pain in the butt errands. It's hard to believe that it's almost time for a new president! It's also hard to believe there is a possibility my husband will be coming home next month!! Woohoo! Can't wait for that! Who cares about the new president!! I need to prepare for you know what next month. :) Of course I don't need to get my hopes up until he has for sure orders from D.A.
I took the kids to the fire station activity tonight. It's hard to do that stuff these days since I have little kids that love doing that stuff and big kids who feel a little foolish doing all the kidsy stuff. Charlie is definitely getting to the point where he doesn't want to have fun with us anymore and it drives me insane. I am dreading the teenage years. I am embarrassing to him now. I'm really not so bad. He needs to be raised by my mom for a month or so and then he would know what embarrassing was! Let me tell a story about her embarrassing ways........10th grade year.... I was at a party that I was not supposed to be at. It was around the time caller ID had just starting coming out and I made the mistake of calling home from my friend's house. I had lied and said I was at the mall. I had talked to my dad during this conversation and he didn't realize I was calling from the party house. Well, I guess a little while later my mom was curious to see where I was calling from and realized I had lied. So there I was sitting at the kitchen table during the party and a girl comes up to me and says "Ashley, your mom is outside." I said to her "no way, stop lying to me." Well the next thing I know I hear my mother's voice screaming my name, ASHLEY TUCKER, to the top of her lungs! It was so friggin humiliating. So, I immediately go to the laundry room to hide out. It was just like on the movies. The minute she came in the house screaming my name the music stops and you could have heard a pin drop. Let me tell you how she was dressed...a v-neck hanes men's t-shirt with no bra! Short shorts and bare feet! I still cringe at this thought. My face is red and my butthole is puckered as I type! Back to the attire.....now my mom is not a small woman and wasn't then either. She has a big butt like me only bigger. You can only imagine what she looked like and how dadgum embarrassing it was. My siblings still laugh about that incident to this very day. My mother was the laughing stock at school the following Monday. My junior year she checked me out of school and my brother and I drove off with her in an ice cream truck. Yes, you heard me, an ice cream truck. Siren and all!! Good heavens y'all. I'm blushing RIGHT NOW. So Charlie can't say crap about me being embarrassing, he hasn't seen nothing.
So back to the fire station. They ended up having fun. There was a variety of fun kid things to do. Mostly for the little kids but there was free ice cream for all to enjoy! Now Ryan loves to do anything. He doesn't care how old he is. He's all about having him some fun! I love that about him. He cracks me up! I don't embarrass Ryan. He couldn't care less what folks think about him.
So tomorrow will be full of more things that make me nuts. Laundry, cleaning and crap! Maybe I'll get some of my footzonology notes organized too!! So, later!
Rice Pilaf
13 years ago
I can see it now! I've heard about those stories!! I was laughing hysterically while reading your blog. I know it wasn't funny then, but it is now..LOL!!
That's such a great story about your mom. Serves you right for trying to pull one over on you mom. I think I'll have to do something like that when one of my kids try to pull one over on me. LOL I think your mom ROCKS!
Humiliating your kids is NEVER an option! She could have dressed properly and acted with class. As a parent now I see that she was right in coming to get me. She could have just conducted herself in a classier manner.
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