Sunday, October 5, 2008

Singing in the rain

OK, so the crazy yard guy didn't call today. It rained ALL day long and I'm pretty sure that's why he didn't call. Good thing for him though cuz I had my "dukes" up. Today I lounged around and watched conference. It was the perfect day for that too. Chilly, rainy, fall day. I was able to get a few errands done on my long to do list during the conference break. Does anyone else feel like they always have a mental list a mile long? Do you know what I mean when I say mental list? Like a constant list in your mind of random things that need to be done. Things that you really don't even think of on a daily basis. It makes me nuts. It seems like my list NEVER gets shorter. I am so ready to have my companion home.

Speaking of my sweet, loving, husband...Trisha came by tonight to borrow a movie and asked what Charles thought of my posting yesterday when I said it would be easier for him to come home in January. Now I have noticed that quite a few folks read this blog and I don't want anyone to think that I am not excited for my him to come home. Charles and I talk every single night about a lot of things. As a matter of fact, we have more in depth conversation when he's away than we do when he's home. So he knows exactly what I mean when I say it would be easier for him to be home in January. We have planned ever since last October, when he left, that he would be home in January and everything has been planned around that time. For them to change the homecoming date by 2 months is a little overwhelming. That's all I meant. Don't worry, there's no threat of a divorce! ;)

Well....I took Josh and Ryan to get haircuts tonight. We ended up going to Wal-Mart to have it done. For some reason there are hair stylist that think the dumb and dumber look is appealing. My boys have had quite a few of these haircuts and now I normally tell the person cutting their hair not to cut the bangs in a blunt, straight across the forehead fashion. Well...tonight I forgot to tell the chick to please not give this haircut to Josh. So guess what...he got the dumb and dumber bangs. Good heavens! His bangs are long enough for me to comb over and make them at least look somewhat stylish. Poor kid. Of course Ryan had to mention to Josh that he looked like Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber. And Josh told Ryan he looked like a mushroom head and we got to hear all sorts of brotherly love on the way home.

My kids fight constantly and they normally want to pull me in on it. Charlie and Ryan always make fun of the little ones, mostly Josh, about what they wear and how they wear their hair. Josh takes it pretty serious but Cody couldn't care less what ANYONE thinks of him. It is very important for Cody to look cool though. He gets this from Charlie. It drives me nuts. He never wants to be "nice" for school. Whenever I make him wear nice clothes to school he says "Mom, I don't want to be nice for school. I want to look cool." I mean the kid is 5 years old. Gimme a break. It's a good thing I have changed over the years cuz we would have some serious fights going on with me and a 5 year old. These days I don't care what my kids wear to school . As long as they don't call Child Protective Services on me. But I guess they won't do that for mismatched and wrinkled clothes. I do at least try to put only the nice stuff in drawers and they have a school clothes drawer and a play clothes drawer. See, I'm not so bad!

I never thought I would have to worry about clothes being the mom of 4 boys. Man, was I wrong. Charlie is worse than a teenage girl about what he wears. Talk about making someone want to pluck their hair out one by one. This makes me NUTS. Now, I do appreciate the fact that he cares what he looks like. He is also very into hygiene. He has to shower before we go anywhere. I got cracked up at him today because he was telling me about one of his friends at school that had a piece of pizza left over on his plate at lunch time. Charlie asked the kid if he could have his pizza and the boy said yes. The kid had already taken a bite out of the pizza so he felt the need to warn Charlie that he doesn't brush his teeth but about once a month!! Well this completely disgusted Charlie and he says "oh, well, here's your pizza back!" Hilarious!! See, I'm doing something right, I have kids who want to brush their teeth and wash their butts everyday! I'm happy!


Elder Quinn Kay Longhurst said...

You have the best kids ever! I love them in primary and they will tell you I'm always calling on them to help me. They are perfect little gentlemen when you're not around. It cracks me up to hear they are different around you! That only because your their mom. You ARE doing something right!

Trisha said...

About the borrowed movie...I already told you why we put a television in our bedroom. Well the same thing happens when I sit down to watch a movie at night - no matter how good the movie is. So I kept dozing and every time I came to I was frustrated and asked Matt what I missed. So we finally decided to turn it off. I hope it is okay if we hang on to it a bit longer so we can find a chance to watch it before my sleepy time.