Why do we need a title for these postings? I never know what to put for that. Oh well! I got a lot accomplished today and that always feels nice. It's good when I don't waste my day away being lazy and unshowered! I had to get up early to go to zoning class. It's the last class I have before I go up for certification next week. A little nervous about that! Hopefully I can muddle through. We also went up to the Budge's farm and helped them with some things. That was a fun time! The kids weren't helpful so much but hopefully Matt and Trisha felt like we got a lot done. We cleared tons of branches and made a giant burn pile. Now we just need to have a GIANT weiner and marshmallow roast. We need to find some 10 foot long skewers to put our mallows and weiners on though. That is gonna be one large fire when it goes ablaze!!
I don't have so many interesting things to talk about tonight. Other than the zoning and the farm work everything else was just mundane and boring. I did clean my 2 bathrooms today and I was surprised Charlie and Ryan's bathroom didn't have mushrooms growing in there. I do not see how a bathroom can get so dirty so quickly. But a clean bathroom and clean sheets are 2 of my favorite things. Among other stuff! :)
I've been trying to get Christmas shopping done because it always seems to creep up on me. I have a good start but it's always the last minute, small things that are always left. One thing I can't stand about Christmas is how all these name drawings get started. Charles' family does a name draw and every year the cost of what we can spend goes up. I think I'm gonna start sending cookies and a big box of love to whoever we draw! It's the thought that counts, right?!! It stresses me out every year. I know I shouldn't let it but I also shouldn't let my laundry get so bad that I have no clean towels, but I do anyway! Oh well!
Can't wait to see my hubby! G'night y'all.
Rice Pilaf
13 years ago
Thank you, thank you, thank you. The kids were plenty of help, but what mattered most is that they had some fun. You guys are awesome! And yes, we will somehow make those 10 foot roasters!! Thanks for the 11:00 Wal-Mart shopping. Wish I would have had a sweatshirt to match yours. We both could have put the hoodies on and pulled the strings tight. But maybe then they would have thought we were thiefs:)
Ashley, I don't think my eyes are deceiving me. You crazy woman posting this thing at nearly 1 in the morning. No wonder you didn't join me on the 8:00 walk. Just kidding. I couldn't get my fat bottom out of bed.
Sorry Trisha.... It's partly my fault. We missed over a week of webcam chatting cuz of her power adapter and yesterday was our last chance to webcam chat before I move out of my room and my internet service expires. It was our last chance to see each other before I get home... (I know some of y'all out there are thinking it, so I'll go ahead and say it - we're spoiled, I know)
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