Yep, I finally did! I went to the doctor to get an antibiotic for this dang sinus infection. It's been lingering around for a week and I just couldn't get rid of it on my own. I suck! I feel much better though after just the first round of meds! The breaking point was waking up this morning at 4 a.m. with my teeth and face in complete pain. I haven't been able to do much other than sleep when the kids are at school. I haven't gotten a single thing done in I don't even remember how long. So....I said..... I need drugs! And...I got me some! Love 'em. Hopefully I can sleep tonight.
Have you ever noticed how kids seem to be the most annoying when you just are not in the mood? Well I am noticing it right now as Cody and Josh are going crazy in my living room. Getting Dixie all riled up and just annoying the crap right out of me. I wanna be in one of Kenny Chesney's songs right about now. Or...the last chocolate ghost cake might work as well. Dadgum, I need a minute.
So...I'm a little nervous about this presidential election going on right now. I have to admit, Obama scares the crap out of me. I'm not understanding some of his ideas. He keeps talking about spreading the wealth and paying more taxes so we can spread the wealth to all those folks that don't feel like working. Now... I'm from the south, and there is an abundance of African Amercicans and I have yet to see any of these people wearing a John McCain t-shirt or holding one of his signs. Typically, in the south, these are the people that are living off of the working citizens. It angers me some. I'm not a racist, don't get me wrong. I just believe that everyone should work for what they have because it raises your self worth when you earn what you have. I had to vote for McCain so that I can be sure my husband will still have a job in 4 years! I know this a touchy subject out there for lots of people, of course this IS my blog and those of you reading this and getting irritated can always move on to something else. :)
I leave for Birmingham in 9 days! Then off to Tennessee from there. It seems so weird that the time is that close. I remember when we moved here last November. It seemed so far away that Charles would be home and now we're down to the last few minutes and it seems cRaZy! I'm excited though. I'm gonna get a break from life for a while when he gets home. I'm gonna let Charles get a chance to be the stay at home dad for a month. I'm gonna sleep in and not cook any the entire month he's home. He'll need to get reacquainted with family life and I want to make sure he has lots of opportunities! I love you Charles!
Oh yeah, I also wanted to give my sister in law Jade a shout out for doing my laundry last night! That was nice, huh?! I thought so. I was up to my eyeballs in laundry from all the puking and diarrhea. So thanks Jade, my hero for the day. You're awesome!
So my friend Trisha just brought this poem over for me to read. It was all about the strength women have. It is so true too. Women are strong. I think about all the women in my life that I am close to and think about the things they have had to endure. I think of how they have handled some of the hardest things that can happen to a person and come out of it only stronger. I am grateful to be a woman. I'm grateful for the experiences I've had, good and bad, that have made me stronger. I'm thankful for the strength to get through the day with a terrible sinus infection and for the women who give a damn to want to help and the ones who call just because. We are important creatures. What the heck would men do without us? Probably walk around with their ding dongs in their hand asking where do I go from here. Of course I love all the men in my life too. I mean, hey, don't get me wrong they provide some things only a man can provide!
Rice Pilaf
13 years ago
You know I was very pleased to hear that you gave in and visited the doc. That sinus infection has not just been one week hunny - that thing has been a brewin for at least two. Those drugs should get you better in no time and if they don't we'll just have to find you something a little stronger:) I am pretty sure the chocolate ghost cake would do it for you. Ask Matt! Besides the few bites I had he ate every bit of all 3 ghosts we had. Have a good night! It is high time you get a good nights rest!!!
I'm glad your feeling better, or atleast on the way to feel better. So I was thinking about having a sleep over on Saturday night, so you can have time to do whatever you want. I'll bring them back in time to go to church, let me know what you think.
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