Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Fart Blossoms

Who knows? I am bugged tonight. Trisha and I were on our way back from our class when this big, monstrous truck towing a HUGE trailer with 2 four wheelers cut us off. He came rushing up in a lane that was about to run out. He had his blinker on but since he had his huge trailer we couldn't let him in without having to completely stop our car so we kept going. He dang near hit us with that trailer so I told Trisha to speed up so I could flip him off. So...she did! And I flipped him off. Normally I don't do this but I just said "Hey Trisha...Look... a deer!" And up went the universal sign of you know what! It did help us to both feel a little better. Then the guy has this attitude like we were just supposed to put up with his crap and I just don't have tolerance for that attitude lately. Dadgummit! A few other words come to my mind also.

Anyhow, we were both up a pound tonight. :-| I was actually quite surprised it was only a pound for me. I ate everything I wanted to when I was on vacation! We celebrated our 1 pound gain with a cheeseburger and shake from Kirt's! Trisha even got fries! We're winners. We seriously are in the lead of everyone else so hopefully we get that money!

So I took the kids bowling today. They have fought all day long. After bowling we went to the iFly place to watch some of the flyers. That was pretty darn neat. Apparently the guys we watched are pros. iFly is a skydiving place. You get in the little flight suit and there is a giant wind gust that sweeps you up as if you were really skydiving. It was a good time. Anyway...tomorow is Thanksgiving and I do have a ton to be thankful for. First and foremost I'm thankful I ain't cooking tomorrow! :) Seriously though, I'm grateful for my life, even all the crap I have deal with. The crap reminds me of the good and there is a lot of good.

Oh yeah, one thing I was really excited about today....I had gotten these super cute red, snakeskin heels while I was on vacation and I bought them without trying them on and when I finally did try them on they were a little too small. I asked Charles to bring them back to Birmingham with him and see if they had a half size bigger. He called when he was at the store and told me they didn't have the size I needed and I just told him to keep the ones I already had and I would just pretend to be Cinderella's stepsister when I wore them. He called back about 5 minutes later and said he found my size! I was happy! Still am! See...I have a lot to be grateful for!

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