Sunday, January 4, 2009

Another Manic Monday

OK, so there I am giving my lesson in RS today, when a lady contradicts a personal story I shared! How can you contradict someone's own personal experience? I don't know either! My lesson went well for the most part. I'm always so glad when that bell rings and I know I'm done for at least another 3 months. Well, that was probably the last lesson I will have to give here since we're moving SOON! Too soon. I need to get in moving mode and I'm having a little trouble.

I was blog surfing for some entertainment tonight, you know, since Charles is gone and all. I came across some cooking blogs. I've become quite interested lately in recipe and photography blogs. The cooking blogs inspire me to try different recipes and the photography blogs make me want to learn how to take pictures. There are some amazing freakin' photographers out there. I don't how they come up with some of their poses and background ideas. I have no imagination whatsoever. But one blog I found was pretty darn good. I liked the way she writes and she doesn't make herself out to be some perfect being. She seems real and I like that quality in a person. I mean we all know there ain't one of us out there that's perfect, so stop trying to portray that in a blog. I know I talk about that often and it's a soapbox of mine so I'll stop there. Anyway, I'm excited to try some salmon tacos. That's gonna be a resolution for me this year. Try new recipes at least twice a week. I'll keep you posted and let you know how that goes :)

It was 6 degrees on the way to church today! It's sounds like a joke doesn't it? I mean 6 degrees...BRRR! That is seriously one thing I will not miss when I move. I do not like cold weather. Well...the snow is fun and that has definitely been an adventure since living in Utah. But I definitely don't like my girls standing at full salute every time I step outside! Good heavens!

Yes people, I know Alabama lost the sugar bowl to the Utes! Leave me alone about it! I am not even a big football fan. I think I am the ONLY Alabama fan in the state of Utah though! Seriously though, I don't care. I am, however, absolutely thrilled about school starting back tomorrow! Perfect timing too since Charles isn't here to help entertain bored kids!

Can't wait for my Vegas trip with my sis!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

how dare that lady do that in rs during your talk. ): if i were asked to speak i'd say no. seriously. i won't do it. :D

and when are you moving? where too? we go somewhere new late july but i have no idea where yet. everyone else in tad's area has orders but him. ):