BUT....I have a great life. I have 4 great kids that I want to beat daily, I have a super, great, fabulous looking husband AND I had a Kirt's chocolate, chocolate chip, cookie dough shake tonight :) Life couldn't be better. When I wake up in the morning I will only have 2 days left until Charles gets his nard-sicle home. (Nard-sicle came from my sis) I love that word, I crack up every time I hear her use it! That is one area where Charles and I are so different. I laugh a lot. He has to have something super hilarious to get him going. It's ok though, he's cute and he's good with his hands :)
Anyway, my son has been coming home from scouts for the last 3 weeks telling me this big, grown man has been being a butthole. Now, I know my kids bug me, but I love 'em like crazy and get firing mad when I think someone is hurting them in any way. I asked Ryan what he wanted to do about this guy. I said he had 3 choices...1.I could say something to him at the pinewood derby on Thursday 2. His dad could go to scouts with him on Tuesday and talk to the guy 3. He could say something to the leader. Well he opted for #2. He said I have a tendency to cuss folks out that mess with my kids. Charles felt like it needed to be handled by one of us since it was an adult. So, I have to keep my mouth shut for now and see how things go.
I have lots on my mind tonight that I'm just not sure how to put into words. If there is one thing I hate in this world( besides fake hooters) it's a liar. I absolutely hate liars. It makes me madder than a wet hen when someone lies to me. I actually had a conversation tonight with someone who's spouse just left for prison and the convict spouse is STILL being dishonest. They have left a huge mess for the family members that have been left behind. It is mind boggling. I couldn't imagine hurting someone I love like that and then have to face the consequences of leaving my kids for 2 1/2 years and STILL not coming clean! Crazy.
I have to go to bed and internalize all this.....
Rice Pilaf
13 years ago
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