Thursday, May 7, 2009


Today has been a good day! It started out a little disheartening but turned out to be so much better. Does anyone remember my idiot brother? Well he tried to ruin my day but he didn't get too. I think he is still mad about the ball foxing I pulled over on him way back in October. I don't think he likes for anyone to get one up on him. Like I've said before....I'm super nice till you piss me off and then the big guns come out.

Anyway, Charles and I rode the bike loop tonight and I was able to shave about 5 minutes off my regular time. Fat girl can ride!

Have you ever smelled a swamp cooler? This smell brings so many memories to my mind. We have lived in Arizona at different times throughout our marriage. Of course, we've been at a different place in our lives every time we've been here. My first experience with a swamp cooler was when Charles and I first got married and we moved to Arizona and lived in a one bedroom, roach infested military house. That house was a dump and we had crappy, ghetto furniture. It was solid black couches and glass top, gold and black lacquer tables. We were as happy as a puppy with 2 peters though! We thought our house made us look rich! Then we left for about a year and came back with a baby and I got knocked up again shortly after moving back the 2nd time. This time our house was way better and we had gotten some white people furniture. It was much better the 2nd time around but not so good that we wanted to stay long. We left again and came back about 2 1/2 years later. Two kids the 3rd time around and knocked up with number 3! Once again we lived in a 1200 sq ft D-U-M-P! It was such a crap hole they condemned it and tore it down when we moved out of it. We stayed the 3rd time around almost 3 years and had baby number 4 here as well. One thing we are for sure good at is making cute babies. I remember moving back for the 3rd time and I just bawled my eyes out. I did not want to be back here. We grew to like it and left in 2004 for Ft. Campbell. Glad to get to Ft. Campbell until around September 2005. Now, here we are again and I couldn't be happier. And...that swamp cooler smell is the very same as all of the other times. It's a fishy smell that I can't explain. Almost like when you're driving by an ocean. Now we have 4 kids and the youngest is 6. I am out of the baby days and I have almost 14 years of marriage under my belt. I have learned a thing or 2 since the first time I ever smelled a blowing swamp cooler. It's definitely an acquired smell. I am rather fond of it now, because of all the memories that come to mind when I smell it. It's strange to think of my life before it got full and crazy with all these kids and the chaos. I am in a much better place than I ever have been and I like it a lot. Actually....I love it. My marrie dlife started right here in this town. Our first house has been torn down and the 3rd one has too! And Sheila, the bitchy lady at the housing office is still here too! Some things never change :D


Trisha said...

I read this to Matt and he asked, "What does she mean she is in a better place than she's ever been?" Don't worry I explained it from a woman's perspective. We know you loved us and we for sure hated to see you go. :)

Ashley said...

Silly , Silly Matt!