Saturday, December 20, 2008

Season's Greetings

Wanna know what bugs the heck out of me? Complete lack of people skills. I can't stand this characteristic. For instance, when you say to someone..."hello, how are ya?" and all they say is "fine."Just so you folks know, when someone ask you this you need to ask them back . This is the polite thing to do. Another thing that bugs me is when you ask someone if they have heard about a particular story on the news and they tell you how they never watch the news because it is a complete waste of time and all that is ever on it is bad stuff. Well, I know there is a lot of bad news reported but obviously I watch the news or I wouldn't be asking you about it. All people have to do is tell me no they haven't heard of that story. They don't have to go into a story about all the time wasted watching the news and leave you feeling like a complete idiot. Good heavens people. Socially retarded is what I call it. When people just don't know how to not be rude to others. I know quite a few folks like this. Oh well...we all have our weaknesses! Hopefully this isn't one of mine!

Have you ever noticed when you think you're done with Christmas shopping there is always more? I always get the bulk of my shopping done early and always leave the stocking stuffers and small things till the last minute. This is so stressful because you forget about it until a day or 2 before Christmas. I had to get a few more things today and the stores were so crowded and that just overwhelms me to death and then I get in a bad mood. However, I have been domestic lately and baking up a storm. With all the baking comes the eating and the chubby feeling. Not so fun! Everything is just so darn tasty here at the holidays! Plus, you get all the crap everyone else has been baking and you have to eat that too!! I mean, you don't want anyone to get their feelings hurt, do you? Heck no! Unless, of course, you get super dry cookies and nasty, dry fruitcake muffins! Then you just throw them away and say you enjoyed the dickens out of 'em! You don't act like the social retards and tell them how bad they sucked. Just be polite people!

Feliz Navidad!


Matt and Jade said...

I dont like rude people either. I love the ones that are driving behind you when it snowing and all they do is blow their horn so you get out of the way. I mean come on people, there is about 3 inches of snow on the ground and you cant see out of your window and your mad at me for being cautious. Seriously. We got some dry sugar cookies the other day, Man were they good.

Trisha said...

Oh my heavens Ashley. You crack me up. It is just too darn bad that we enjoy the dickens out of so much yum this time of year. All I can say is HEFFER (at least our class is over)! Oh, well. I will continue to enjoy the Holidays and re-commit myself on, ohhhhh..... maybe Jan. 2nd or 3rd.