Thursday, March 19, 2009

Memory lane......

So since the internet feels new again I have been a little addicted to it today. As I was checking my email I received a notice from facebook telling me I had a friend request from someone I went to high school with in Gadsden. It seemed very strange. First of all, it's been years since I have been back to that place and second I didn't think anyone would remember me from there. I left before I graduated high school. I think I've only been back a handful of times and haven't kept in touch with one person from that place. Then Charles has been asking me all day about things that have happened in our life in the last 10 years. His top secret clearance is up for renewal and he has to go back 10 years for information. Adresses, people we've known for that long, places of employment and on and on. They look into EVERYTHING. It's ok though, we're the most boring people on earth. Of course some people we know aren't so boring and that's a little scary to think about. Then I have a 32nd birthday coming up and it makes me think about all that has happened in my life. It's so weird to think that I am already 32....well I will be on April 1. I have been with my husband for almost half of my life. I just don't feel that old. Well I can say one's been an eventful 32 years. I have especially enjoyed the last 14 years of it. It's been quite the adventure. I've thought about lots of memories today and I have a lot of good ones. I was trying to think of the top 10 best memories and I think I can do it. Let's see.....

1. Of course my wedding day and the birth of all my kids. But let's list the not so obvious ones.
2. I will NEVER forget Josh being a baby and his trademark screaming. He would throw his head back and open his mouth wide and scream like mad.
3. All the trips to the ER with Ryan....stitches....twice, a broken arm, a scratched cornia, a skim board to the I missing one? Oh yes, I am missing one. He got stridor when he was 2 and had to spend the night at Children's hospital.
4.Charles bought me diamond earrings for Valentine's Day the year we celebrated our 8th anniversary.
5. I got a bag of cherries for my 12th anniversary. We also went to the Grand Ole Opry but the cherries was a super sweet thought from Charles. I seriously LOVED it.
6.My 23rd birthday. A very bad day. Charles got the family tickets to a Blue Angels air show. It was hot, miserable and 6 total hours in traffic. It was not fun but I still enjoy giving him a hard time about it. He's more than redeemed himself since then.
7. Me and my little brother Michael used to stay up so late during the summer and watch all the shows on Nickelodeon...The Patty Duke Show, Too Close for Comfort, and Father Knows Best. Good times :)
8.The day I found out a good friend of mine was a true con artist! Yep, true story.
9.The first time I ever laid eyes on Charles I thought he had the best looking legs ever. I later realized he has a really cute butt too!
10.The day Charles called me and said "Hey, I got my orders for Arizona so let's go get married." I love him even more today and he still has those sexy gams! and buns!

Oh and one more good memory I will be able to add to my bank is the trip I will be taking with my sister in June. We got our Vegas tickets and I couldn't be more ecstatic!

I do have a pretty darn good life. Now if I could just find a good hairdresser here in Sierra Vista life would be perfect!

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