My kid free days can get somewhat boring, believe it or not. I'm not a very good morning person. I usually like to get going some time after the noon mark, unless there is something pressing I need to get done. This particular morning I did not want to crawl out of bed to do my motherly responsibilities. Charles and I biked around a portion of the city yesterday and it ended up being about 7-8 miles. He did almost 20 miles on his bike yesterday alone. Every muscle in my body ached this morning after the 7-8 I did. It wouldn't have been so bad if we hadn't had 20 mile an hour winds punching us in the face throughout the ride. It was all I could do to get up the hill. I'm not one of those people that will tell you how invigorating it was. Yes, I felt good knowing that I was able to slowly pedal my way through the ride and, yes I was glad I did it once it was over, but it was downright torture while I was suffering through it. We plan to do it, the bike ride that is, every night until I can ride the whole thing in 3rd gear. I'll keep y'all posted.
It has been quite some time since I have baked anything using white flour. But... I have 2 kid birthdays coming up and both have requested homemade cakes! So yesterday I ran to get some ingredients for Ryan's cake and one of these was white flour. His is a more complex cake and I wanted to make sure it came out just right. So today, as I was in my baking mood that hits every so often, I decided to put that flour to some use. I was for sure I had been missing out on the goodness that white flour provides in homemade goodies. my surprise I was very disappointed at the taste. I made some PB&J muffins and they were good enough but not what I was hoping for as far as the white flour taste is concerned. I like the flavor of whole wheat much better. It has a stronger flavor than it's processed counterpart, plus it's much healthier and doesn't wind up as paste in your colon. So for now on the whole wheat will end up in my baked goods. Speaking of whole wheat in baked goods..... we were invited to a BBQ on Saturday by some fellow members of our ward. I was asked to bring the dessert so I made a delicious, made from scratch, chocolate cake with peanut butter icing. It was scrumptious and made with whole wheat, freshly ground flour. So as we are sitting there enjoying this dessert at these folks' house, the wife proceeds to talk about some of the things her son shouldn't eat since he has been diagnosed with some mild form of autism. As she is telling me these things she also throws in there that wheat is really hard on her body and that it screws her insides up when she eats it. OH CRAP! is what I'm sitting there thinking but did not have the nerve to say a word about my delicious cake being made with freshly ground whole wheat! I was just praying she wasn't up for the rest of the night crapping her brains out. OOOPS! I guess not everybody benefits from it. Oh well :|
Has anyone out there seen Smallville? Well I've become addicted. Charles started watching it in Iraq and downloaded every last show from every single season. We love it. We've watched through almost the end of the 2nd season and it just keeps getting better. My favorite thing to do is curl up with Charles and a pint of Ben & Jerry's and watch Smallville or 48 Hours Mystery.
So since I have been given spare time here in Arizona, teachers from the school have asked me to volunteer. That really wasn't what I had in mind to do with my free time. But what the heck.....I mean I am still a mother even when my kids are at school. The thing I don't understand though, is that you can't substitute in AZ unless you have a 4 year degree or a teacher certification. can VOLUNTEER with no credentials whatsoever doing the very same thing you would do as a sub. Confuses me a little. So now 3 days a week I will be in the classroom with my kids. I can't seem to get away from them. Tuesdays and Fridays I listen to 2nd graders read for 2 solid hours. If you can even imagine that. Stinky little kid breath for 2 hours straight. I don't start the kindergarten class until next week. I'll let anyone interested know about that next week:)
Rice Pilaf
13 years ago
Hey, this is Bryan. I don't comment very often but I do read your posts all the time. I love reading them. I laugh every time. I sort of look forward to it, in a weird kind of way. We sure do miss you guys. We had a lot of fun hanging out with your family.
Brian, I'm glad you like reading my posts. I really like your picture. I'm thinking there may be a photographer somewhere among those 8 boys! How's Bobbie doing?
Sorry, I misspelled your name. I meant BRYAN.
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