Monday, March 2, 2009

Here I am...

rock you like a hurricane. Seriously though....our computers have been out of commission for a while. We were supposed to have internet on Friday but the cable guy informed us that someone had dug up all the underground cable lines that connect to our house! So....we won't have internet for a month! They have to come and lay new ones and figure out where all the other utility companies have their lines and blah, blah, blah. So here we sit at the ACS office using their computers. Life isn't so bad though. We're doing good and loving our new place. The kids are settling in nicely, well, except Charlie is having a hard time making friends that don't cuss. We're not in Utah anymore and people seem a lot different out in the real world. That Utah experience ruined us for anywhere else. We loved it there and miss it like crazy. I am enjoying the non-stop sunshine though. It's been in the 70's since we got here and the kids have gotten to wear shorts to school and love it. They're the only ones that wear shorts so far though. 70's in Arizona is winter time for these people. You'll see folks with their scarves and winter boots on in the blazing sun. People it ain't that cold. But this is winter weather for them.

Anyway, Charles still hasn't started back to work but life is starting to settle down. We've been painting our house and getting things the way we like them. We have really great landlords that have terrible taste but willing to let us do as we please with the house. It is really nice and spacious and we have a huge backyard that will take the boys forever to mow. I love it though and Dixie thinks she's in heaven with so much space to roam.

Charlie has an African American teacher at his new school. And from what he tells us, she is ALL African American. Let me just say......boy are we glad that black history month is over. What really is the purpose of devoting an entire month to black folks? I get having a day or 2 or even a weekend. But an entire month.....what the heck? Look at all the good things white people have done for society and we don't have white history month. Can you imagine all the crap white folks would get if we had all the stuff for just whites that blacks have for just themselves? Anyway this teacher comes to school one day in Kwanzaa garb. Now, Charlie has an attitude a lot like mine when it comes to stuff like this, so you can imagine the look on his face when he sees his teacher walk in with this crap on. Can someone please tell me what Kwanzaa is all about? I mean this is about as made up as Scientology. I can't think of anything more ridiculous than either one of those things. Thank goodness for March!

Well this is about all I have for now. Charles and I are headed to Tucson to see if we can find a couch in our budget. It'll probably be a while before the next post. Excuse all the grammatical errors since this computer doesn't have spell check.


Anonymous said...

can I just say I LOVE YOUR BLOG again. I know I say this everytime I post a comment, but I do. You are my favorite person ever. I miss seeing you guys at church and having little Cody in my class.. but we do love the house.. so its a sad/happy thing! Guess what.. so one of my answers about moving to your house was confirmed today.. I got a call.. and the roof in the back half of the house fell in last night.. can I just tell you how thankful I am for being able to live in your home. You have no idea how happy I am that we are there.. how is your new home coming along.. you need to post some pictures!!

Anonymous said...

ok so I know you havent had the computer hooked up.....but read my blog titled..Build a Bear and the old Farm house. Ashley, I cant tell you or explain to you the gratitude that I have to you and your dear sweet family. YOU BEING HERE IN UTAH has blessed SOOO many people and I cannot explain to you what it means to be able to live in your amazing home. I want to buy it, and I am going to keep praying that in June you WIN big and we can work it all out.. the whole..."we dont know why your name came to our heads..and it doesnt make any sense"..well, it made sense to me today..and I am growing so much from all of this. I love YOU to death. Keep in touch PLEASE we miss you and miss your Blogs!! love, forever in debt to the woods....... Kari