Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Have I ever stated how much I hate to move? I really do. It makes me depressed. I always try to get excited about a new adventure but the last week before we move I get into a deep, dark, unmotivated depression. It always turns out fine once we get to where we're going and get settled. It's just the actual process of moving and sorting through junk and thinking of saying goodbye to good friends. We start completely over every 3-5 years. New schools, new house, new ward, new town, new everything. Every time, I start getting a little crazy about a week before a move. It's a lot to take in. Oh yeah, and we still have no idea what is going to happen to our house :) I don't understand why I'm so nuts right now...hmmmm! Since I'm a little on edge lately my kids make me a little more nuts than usual. Today I wanted to squeeze Cody until his eyes popped out, like on the cartoons. I guess they are probably a little on edge too.

Other than bake and cook and eat, I haven't been motivated to do much of anything else. I haven't gone to the gym in 2 days and I think I may gnaw my left arm off. I haven't even showered before 9:30, p.m. that is, in the last 2 days. What the heck is wrong with me? I've got so much that needs to be done by Monday. And if I read one more blog about how someone has mooched off of their parents I will smash my head through the computer screen. That makes me insane. Move out people and pay your own dang bills. Don't ya think, let's say, past 23 is too damn old to be living with mom and dad. I won't go into that since I ranted about that last night. But good, sweet crap people, GO!

This weekend is the big, scout klondike derby. It's where all the scouts and their dads camp in snow caves. Charlie and Matt did it last year and had a blast! This year Charles is taking Ryan and Charlie and Matt is joining them again. Not that I don't love my husband dearly, but I have been around that man 24/7 for 2 months. I am ready for him to go to work! I am so ready to get back into a routine and get into my regular life. This is what makes me nuts about moving. The thing is, the misery isn't even over once you get to the new assignment. You still have to register kids for school, get medical records transferred, find a new dentist, unpack your house, stay in a hotel for who knows how long and various other things that are a giant pain in the butt. I know, I know, it could be sooooo much worse. I shouldn't be complaining so dang much but it is just so completely overwhelming. I wanna bawl my eyes out RIGHT NOW! A good, big sob like Holly Hunter in Broadcast News. Sit on my bed and sob and then I would be okay. I think. Hopefully this time next month my life will be calm and I will be in a routine and all these feelings will be a distant memory. Ya think?


Anonymous said...

just FYI...I moved out of my parents house when I was 20 :), just in case you thought I still lived at home, well sister I DONT..and if I did then maybe all these years I could have been saving for your house instead of paying rent :) lol. Call Ellen, she loves good stories..we could so win her over. Hurry. Call...we both want it to happen!! Love ya Ash..

Ashley said...

Don't get me wrong...Living with one's parents is ok in certain circumstances. It's just that I have read so many blogs lately about how these older married couples live off of their parents and they have kids and all. I mean we have done some moving around in our lifetime and we have never just stayed with someone. We once had these people stay with us once for 2 weeks and during their stay they inform that they had over 1oK in their savings account! I kicked 'em right out. Seriously! I could NEVER mooch like that. Drain someone else's resources to save my own. Believe it or not we know quite a few folks that have done this. Moochers... HUGE pet peeve. OK-that's all for now.

Bartholomew said...

I figured out the reason why you get tired of me being around the house so much - it's cuz your boyfriend can't come around when I'm here. I guess those 10 days while I was gone to TN was the last chance you had to spend with him; and now we'll be in AZ and he'll be in Utah. What's a girl to do now? I love you ;-)