Ok, this post is going to be one of the ones where I seem like a happy, perfect person. Today has been a great day for me. I know there are people out there thinking how can I think I have such a great life. We move around like nomads and uproot our lives every few years and move to new places and have no idea how things will work out. Here's the deal, things ALWAYS work out for my family. We move around never knowing what we're going to get or how things will end up but we have never been disappointed. I have met so many good friends and developed great relationships in my army wife life. I have a friend from every place I have ever been that I continue to keep in touch with. I really do have a good life and have a ton to be thankful for. I am so glad we moved here and for the people we've met here. There are tons of older people here that have been great examples of how parents and grandparents should be. I truly am blessed beyond belief X 5! Ok people that last line is an inside joke for my sister! I would never make that statement seriously. I can't be all sappy without some humor, I just can't do it!
Anyway, has anyone noticed how there has been all this news about how fat Jessica Simpson is? This has even been on the Fox news website. I mean seriously, is this really news? I know there are some that will read this and think about how much time is wasted by watching the news and blah , blah , blah. It's something I have been thinking about and it makes me wonder how many women out there are at least that size. I think she looks pretty darn good. Now, I'm not a fan of Jessica but it is nice to see a woman that doesn't look like a 12 year old boy with boobs that look like they've been molded out of clay. I guess it's not important anyway.
I have good kids. I really do. I know I talk a lot about how much they bug me, which they do, but they are great kids. Charlie has my level of tolerance, which isn't very high but he tries so hard to always do the right thing. Ryan is all play and no work. Josh hates to be picked on and cries a lot but is super sweet and nice to everyone, except for Ryan. Cody just slides through life on his good looks. He's about like Ryan with the all play and no work. I love 'em. They do good for kids that have to experience change often. Of course we choose to be who we are. I don't like it when people use their upbringing as an excuse of why they are no accounts. It doesn't matter our circumstances. We have the opportunity to be whatever we want inspite of where we came from. So don't make excuses. You know the saying "excuses are like buttholes....everyone has one and they all stink" or is it opinions.....hmmm....I guess it could work either way. Some excuses are good enough I guess. Anyway, that's all with that tangent.
So April 1, 1977 is my birthday! I'll be 32 this year and I can't believe it. I am completely old and uncool in the eyes of Charlie and Ryan but not to Charles!
Rice Pilaf
13 years ago
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