Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's official..........

I'm FAT! Ok so this day has been a little irritating. I did get up and shower this morning, early too! I wasn't able to get kids out the door before irritation set in. Josh had show and tell today at school and wanted to bring Dixie, the dog, to show. He said his teacher was allowing animals as long as a parent was there to bring and take it away as soon as the kid showed it off. The only problem was I had no idea what time show and tell started and neither did Josh. So Josh starts whining because I told him since we didn't know what time show and tell was, meaning I had no idea what time to show up with our dog, he should bring the little wooden frog his dad sent us from Iraq! I thought it was a great idea since nobody else in the class would have a souvenir from Iraq! Josh didn't like the idea at all. I guess I'm a crappy mom cuz I said no to bringing the dog in.

Irritation number 2.....My friend Trisha and I had collected up the left over peaches from her mom's peach tree and decided to make jam. So I go today to get all the supplies I need for canning jam! Not cheap. I make the jam and when I got home about 15 minutes ago I realized my jam still hadn't set. Now what am I supposed to do? I have all this runny "jam". I guess we'll see how it turns out in the morning. I know the Lord performs miracles.

We ate leftover homemade pizza for dinner tonight after all the kids whined for take out pizza. It seems like nothing is good enough sometimes and it bugs me to death. Spoiled kids. I also went to a weight loss challenge class to gain a renewed motivation for weight loss and that was equally irritating. The "teacher" of the class was nice enough but she didn't give us any new information or anything I hadn't heard before except for her pitch of Herbal Life products. Completely frustrating. I'm not skinny by any means but I do know a thing or 2 about losing weight. I do know that all it takes is good ol' fashioned exercise and putting the fork down. Oh well, Trisha and I decided anyway that we are going for the motivation and accountability. Oh yeah, one more thing about the class. The biggest loser gets half of the money collected. Only problem is, Trisha and I are the only ones that showed up!! So one of us will get our $35 back. Whoopee!

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE my life. Wouldn't trade it for the world. Especially after some of the things I have found out about other friends in my life and the things they are facing. I have a great family, a great sister and great friends. I feel so comfortable in my skin these days. Although I'd feel a little more comfortable in a size 10. But hey, life taste good!

I do have a funny story to tell. Yesterday Cody was using the bathroom butt naked. He was about to hop in the shower when I said "hey, you need to wipe your butt." He says I don't think I need too" and I told him he needs to ALWAYS wipe his tale after he poops. He says, "well sometimes I have dry turds and I don't need to wipe." Yeah, that's my 5 year old for you. He cracks me up daily. He is just like Dennis the Menace. He has the personality of something you would only see on TV. Anyhow, I had a few other irritations today that I won't mention. Life is good.


Trisha said...

You are hillarious. I'll tell you, I am motivated, but we better have more competition in that class. It would be kinda fun to win somebody elses money too! We can do it - We can do it!

Elder Quinn Kay Longhurst said...

You completely crack me up! I love your blog! Your boys are so cute and I love the stories you tell about them. They look so innocent but now we know better.