Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mother of the Year!!

OK- Let me explain myself! I'm a geographical single mom right now. Most days I am so tired after getting just the basic life necessities done that I don't spend a ton of time doing fun kid things. BUT...Today was different! We did kid crap all day long!! I have to say it was pretty darn fun! To begin our day Josh, Cody and I played the board game SORRY. Have ya ever played that game with a 5 year old? Well first of all the game takes forever and about half way into it Cody is running around the board making Dixie, the dog, chase him. Game pieces are flying everywhere and he isn't paying a lick of attention, only checking in every once in a while to make sure he was still beating Josh and me. Well, I ended up winning and Josh came in 2nd and Cody was ticked that he lost.

Good thing number 2! We went to this super fun festival with our friends, the Budge's. They had tons of fun, free things to see and do. The kids got to watch guys do bike tricks, trampoline tricks, a bike race, unicycle riders, throw frisbees, I won 2 t-shirts, free water, Ryan and Cody went rock climbing, see the sun through a big fancy telescope and they got to ride long boards! We had a blast! When we got home we had a wiener and marshmallow roast with the Budge's and then went to the park!! Am I a great mom or what?!!! I have to say that today, yes, I was.

Of course before all the fun began we did have to do chores. Charlie and Ryan were in charge of cutting and weed eating the lawn. I only had to tell Ryan 12 times to get his job done. Of course they got moving when I told them if their job wasn't done by go time they weren't going. I took charge of the inside of the house while Cody and Josh were in charge of cleaning up their huge toothpaste mess in the bathroom and on the linen closet door. I have no idea how blue toothpaste ended up on my linen closet door since it isn't even in the bathroom. I guess with boys they'll find a way.

During our weiner roast a cop came and knocked on our fence since we were sitting on the patio and asked if we had seen a man wearing a black cap and a green shirt. He couldn't describe what his pants looked like since the man had not been wearing any. Thus the reason for looking for the man in a green shirt and a black cap. Apparently he was showing his parts to the little kids at the playground that we go to on almost a daily basis. Pretty scary. The park is right behind our house.

Other than the pervert lurking about it was a fabulous day! I got my house clean, the yard got cleaned up and we spent the rest of the day as a family and I loved it! I took tons of pictures but since I'm not computer literate I can't post them here! Oh speaking of computer literacy, how do you like the new background on the blog?! I got it started and then my sweet hubby finished it up for me. I like it. It gives a little personal touch. I love the color red, it's totally me! Speaking of my husband, Babe, I would just like to say that I am so thankful for the blowhorn you sent Josh for his birthday! It can be heard from up to 2 miles away. Our children have been blowing it all day and they are so lucky it has not been bashed into 150 tiny little pieces. That was such a great idea you had. I can't wait for you to get home so you can hear the pleasant sound it makes. :) So now I'm off to finish up my day with a movie with the kids since I haven't spent enough time with them today! :) Don't worry, moms reading this. Days like this happen once in a blue moon.


Bartholomew said...

Sounds like a good day - I wish I could have been there.

Elder Quinn Kay Longhurst said...

I'm glad you got to do lots of "Kid Crap" yesterday! You totally crack me up. I do love your back ground. I can't believe there was a pervert at the park. That is our favorite park as well. He must be close by because it's not a huge park were everyone goes. I hope they catch him or he never shows his face again. If I had seen him he would have been singing a few notes higher than usual. That might have fixed him in a hurry!

Trisha said...

It was a fun day. Our kids had a great time. Oh wait, I left us out. We had a fabulous time as well. But hey, it wasn't just "kid crap." We won us a t-shirt and our flashing lights. You know, the ones we are going to plaster all over our arms and legs when we walk - since we got so many :) Thanks for the great day!!!!