Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oh what a day.....

Today has been a long day. I had to listen to kindergartners read for an hour and then came home and did my maid duties. The people in my family couldn't care less what our house looks like. Although, Charlie is quick to tell me how messy other people's houses are when he visits someone else. So I'm pretty sure he appreciates my obsessive compulsiveness when it comes to cleanliness. That poor kid has picked up my terrible OCD habit. It's a curse. I love the thought of tile floors but they are very high maintenance.

Anyway, I made spudnuts today...and...they were a masterpiece! A spudnut is a homemade, good, delicious, deep fried, delightful doughnut. I made them with whole wheat so they were healthy!! Plus I deep fried them in canola oil so they are heart healthy! Healthy or not though...they were DE-LIGHTFUL!

Cody came to me last night and asks me if he can shower in my bathroom. I thought this request was innocent enough....until he was finished with his shower. He walks into the living room with his hand over the top of his head. I ask him "why are you covering your head like that?" He says "cuz." "Cuz why?" He then removes his hand and I see 4 bald strips down the center of his head! He had taken my razor and shaved the top of his head. It looks awful and the only solution was to shave his hair completely off. He did have to go to school today with the bald strips. Charles didn't cut his hair until this evening. Cody is always into something. He was embarassed about it today and wanted to wear a hat to school.

Well...that's it for tonight :)


Matt and Jade said...

He is so darn cute. I just want to squeeze him. If you didn't leave your razor out, he wouldn't of wanted to play with it. Serves him right. IO cracked up through this whole post.

Trisha said...

Next I want to see a picture of his head after the shave. Plan on making some of your delicious doughnuts and peanut butter cake come August!!

Anonymous said...

I love this picture. he is so cute.. how could you be mad at that face! I agree with Trisha.. I want to see the picture after the shave!

Bryan & Bobbie said...

That reminds me of when I was a kid. I have a cousin who is ten days older than me and we grew up across the street from each other. When we were a little older than Cody's age we took scissors and decided to give each other haircuts. We got to go to school like that the next day too.