what going to bed early does for you! Normally, I am a night chick and don't get in the bed until 12-ish and I have to be pried out of bed the next morning to get kids up. Last night was different though. I started to doze off around 8:30 and Charles came over to me and said "let's get in the bed early tonight." So off we went and I was sound asleep by 10 and my eyelids popped open at 5:30-ish this morning. SO NICE. I guess that's where the saying "early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." I am pretty healthy and I'm becoming more wise, now if the wealthy part will fall into place I will forever be a morning person!
Our baby chicks spent their first night outside last night. There was dust ALL OVER the office and I was tired of sweeping up their mess, so I moved them out yesterday. The weather has been blazing hot so I figured now was as good of a time as any to give them the boot. They did well. The kids were scared they were going to wake up to 11 dead, baby chicks. It does cool off a lot at night but they stayed safe and healthy.
Well, we got the shock of our week on Sunday. The stake executive secretary called Sunday morning and asked if we would be able to come and meet with the Stake President at 11:30. Now that is an hour and a half before church starts. We knew they were obviously going to issue a calling to Charles, we just didn't know what. We get there and the president was doing the getting to know you session and asked us a few questions. He then tells Charles his name had been submitted for 2nd counselor in the bishopric. WHOA! I immediately started bawling. I have no idea why. Maybe because I have spent quite a bit of time away from my husband for the last couple years. But I figure that time has prepared me for what is to come. Crazy, we NEVER saw that one coming. Charles is a good guy though and I'm glad I'm married to him. Plus, he's super cute and has a nice butt!
I think my kids think I'm an idiot. Ryan is constantly trying to pull one over on me and so far it has NEVER worked. He thinks I won't check up on him and he'll ask me how I find everything out. I can remember thinking that about my mother but the thing is, mothers ALWAYS find crap out one way or another. Charlie will try from time to time to pull one over on me but not too often. Today, Charlie comes to me at 7:07 a.m and asks if he can leave for school. I said heck no since it doesn't start until 7:45. He said some of his friends were at the door and wanted to know if he could go with them. First of all, one of the kids lives all over the place. This particular kid was telling me yesterday that his mom up and left to go to California to finish school. He's adopted and he and his younger brother are living with their 30 year old brother while mom is away. Well as of now they are staying with their grandmother because big brother is in Cali attending a concert with his girlfriend and the dad is living somewhere is Tucson. Did you get all that? It took me a while to figure it all out. So this is the kid Charlie is wanting me to allow him to go out with. Believe me, I'm not sure there is a mother out there that loves getting their kids out the door for school any more than I do. I love to drop my kids off at school and not have to worry about them all day, I ain't gonna lie about that. I firmly believe any mother that says they love having their kids around them all the time is a big, fat liar. Anyway, Charlie was just as pissed as he could be because I would not allow him to gallivant all over the neighborhood. I'd rather him be mad for a time than have a cop come to my door and tell me he's done something stupid.
Speaking of cops, when we first moved here I called the refuse department and requested a recycling can be delivered to my house. The lady told me it would be about 6 weeks before one would be delivered. Ok fine. Well it's been about 2 months now since that phone call. I called up yesterday to see what the deal was and they said their records indicate my can had been delivered on March 3. I said well that isn't possible because I have no can. She then proceeds to tell me that in order to not be charged for the can I need to call the police department and make a stolen items report. Can you believe that? So now, because I was trying to be green and help the environment, I have something else to take care of on my plate. I guess if it's not one thing, it's another. Dadgummit! But I can get another one once I make the police report!
Rice Pilaf
13 years ago
Congrats Charles! Sucker. All joking aside, that will be wonderful.
2nd counselor? That is great, congrats!
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