Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

Man, my last blog posting sure did create a lot of buzz! I was able to show my white trash to a bunch of people I know and also those I don't know! Sorry about that, it comes out once in a while:( But I usually try hard to have class. I slip up once in a while though.

So has anyone checked out the show Operation Repo? Oh my gosh, if you haven't you must. It is the best show on TV. Obviously, it's about this repo company in California that goes around repossessing cars for banks. Then the "owners" of these cars get so irate that they are having their cars taken away. I don't get how you can stand there and cuss someone out when you know dang good and well that you haven't been paying your bill! I'm sure they only show a fraction of what they come across and just put the most ridiculous cases on TV. It is quite shocking. And it is addicting. Charles and I will stay up all hours watching it. They're having a marathon of it next Monday and we're pretty excited about it. It's on TruTv for those interested:)

So yesterday, I hit my 40 pound weight loss mark! I'm pretty stoked about it! About 18 months ago I bought a pair of size 10 jeans I found on clearance for $3. I was determined I would one day fit into them. Well I tried them on the other day and was able to at least pull them completely up and get them buttoned standing up. Now zipping them was a different story. I had to lie down to get the zipper up! But hey, I got 'em on and that's what counts! 5 years ago I wouldn't have been able to get my right foot in a pair of 10's. I know some people are reading this thinking a size 10 ain't that small, but when you were once busting out of a 24 it's pretty dang tiny! So I'm pretty proud that I was able to pull them over my trunk! Charles also hit is goal weight. We're both feeling good about not being so chubby anymore:) That's all the bragging I have for now!

This whole facebook thing became amazing to me yesterday. Most of the people on my friends list are people that I have known for the last 5-10 years and some family members. I have a handful of people from high school but there just aren't that many people I knew so long ago that I care to be facebook friends with! However, an old childhood friend found my siblings and me yesterday! It was so exciting! He and his brothers are some of the fondest memories my siblings and I have from our childhood. I just had to share that. I was rambling on and on about it yesterday to Charles and he was ready for me to shut up about it but I was just so dang excited:)

So is it bad when you let your kid watch like 12 hours of cartoons in a day? Cody stayed home from school today and I have felt like crap for 3 days. We played about 3 games of Uno Attack and I finally had to get our living quarters in some form of order and other than that we've done nothing but watch cartoons. I have 5-6 loads of laundry that need to be folded and I am dreading that. It's all stacked at the foot of my bed waiting for me to tackle it. So I guess I should stop blogging, huh?!


Mere said...

HILARIOUS! Good luck with the laundry and feel better soon! Oh personal opinion is that the cartoons aren't going to hurt him! I love you!

Trisha said...

Size 10?????????? Anyone thinking that a size 10 aint small can just kiss it because I think that is amazing!! Size 10????????? You are awesome.

Elder Quinn Kay Longhurst said...

Oh My Heck! I totally miss your "Tell it like it is" butt! Are you guys ever coming back for a visit to Utah. I love that you let Cody watch cartoons. I always feel like such a heel because my TV is on ALL DAY long. EVERYDAY! I grew up watching a lot of TV and I turned out some what normal, I think? Any whoooo, I love your blog. Keep givin em' Hell!

The Hatch's said...

Dude I haven't been in a size 10 since high school or even maybe junior high soooo props to you that;s awesome. Keep up the good work!!

Ashley said...

Now I don't want to leave anyone with the wrong impression! These size 10's I put on were skin tight and I wouldn't dream of wearing them in public. I was just excited I was even able to pull them on and get them buttoned and zipped. I had to hurry and take them off so the button didn't fly across the room!