Wednesday, December 23, 2009

If there is one thing I am really good at I would have to say it is being able to give others sincere compliments. You know the 5 love languages? Words of affirmation would be one of the top 2 for me! So I have a hard time understanding why so many have problems giving someone a compliment. I mean I can even compliment someone on a bad haircut. Even though I think it might look hideous, it doesn't take anything out of me to tell them how nice it looks. Now don't get me wrong, I do have a hard time handing out words of affirmation to those who think highly of themselves or to the ones that look for compliments. That attitude is irritating. In my observations of people that have a hard time complimenting I have found that a lot of times it seems to be a little bit of jealousy. Maybe that is too strong of a word but it seems that a few folks out there don't like to see others improve. They like to see people in the same crappy state that they find themselves. Anyway, just a little something I've noticed from being around Debbie downers a lot of my existence! I know quite a few of them.

So, life is pretty much the same around here. We're getting ready for Christmas and enjoying the down time we've had since the kids got out of school. I even sent out Christmas letters to friends and family. You know the mass letters people send out to tell everyone how perfect their lives are? Yeah, I did one like that! It made me feel a little Christmasy to do that. I was having a hard time getting into the spirit since it's so warm here in AZ. So nothing like a chain letter to spread some holiday cheer! I have managed to stay away from all the holiday goodies this year and boy has that been a challenge! It's a goal of Charles and myself to not gain 10 pounds over this Merry Christmas season. I have to say though, it isn't as merry without all the goodies. I sure love to eat. I also need to say how dang proud of Charles I am! He loves eating more than me. He has a "don't mind if I do" mentality and he has done a great job at refraining. It gets old being chubby though, so we are dedicated!

I must go and sniff the peanut butter rice krispy treats I made last night!


The Bodily Family said...

I am one of those people that has a hard time giving compliments. I didn't hear them growing up in my house so it doesn't come naturally to me. I have a wonderful husband that compliments all the time so I'm learning. I still feel uncomfortable a lot of times complimenting and I don't think of it until someone compliments me and I think oh crap now I won't sound sincere when I do it. I am definitely a work in progress.

Ashley said...

It's not so much the ones that forget to compliment, it's the ones where people notice something about you and put you down instead of saying something nice.