Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I've been gone a while! Plus, it's taken me a minute to get my thoughts together. I went away for the weekend and had a great time! It was a super long drive and hotter than blue blazes at our destination. I went with a friend of mine to St. George for some essential oil training and to learn an aroma touch technique! It's amazing all that essential oils can do for you. I mean heck, the Wisemen brought them to Christ! It was great training and a good time was had by all! St. George is one of the most beautiful places I have seen. The red rocks are amazing and I can't even compare it to anything I have ever seen. We stopped on Phoenix so I could get a cute haircut and then again in Vegas to see Stephanie's brother. Finally got home Sunday evening after a 10 hour drive!

Charles was released from the bishopric on Sunday and was extended a new calling. Our old bishop moved out of our ward boundaries so we got a new bishopric! Charles was sad to go but is excited about his new calling and all the training it entails! My word. That's about all the happenings around the Woods' home front. My kids are still driving me nuts, I still think Obama is an idiot and I haven't stopped eating sugar. Some things never change:)

Oh yeah, I read an article today about my beloved Ben & Jerry's ice cream. They have a flavor, which I love, called Chubby Hubby! Well in honor of all the homos out there they are changing the name of it for a month and they will call it Hubby Hubby! Yes, you read that right! I mean, ok great, if you want to have things inserted in certain orifices of your body that is your right. But for heaven's sake don't slap the reminder on an ice cream container that someone is going to be eating from. I don't want to be reminded of homosexual activity when I sit down to eat my pint. Thanks Ben & Jerry! Now I have to switch to Dreyer's fully loaded peanut butter cup!

On a happier, non disgusting note, my little Josh is getting baptized this Saturday! I cannot believe he's old enough! He's definitely my sweetest child. Josh tries hard to stay out of trouble and do the right thing. His older brothers pick on him like mad but he can hold his own. He WILL NOT eat eggs unless they are in a batch of cookies or brownies! He's super messy and HATES homework. I will never forget his baby years when he didn't want anyone else but me and all the conversations I had with my sister when I told her I was for sure all the crying would stop when he could sit up, crawl, walk, or turn 18! Little Joshy was a hard baby but turned into the sweetest kid! I love him!


Trisha said...

Congratulations Josh. We should have planned our trip out there during this time, but that darn school thing that gives us homework got in the way. Wish we could be there, but we will be thinking of you.

Ashley, what was Charles' new calling? Hope it's not bad to say, but I really am anxious for Matt to be released.

ericka said...

Joshie, I love you sooo much! You definitely are the sweetest kid I know!